
Individual guidance

  • Welcome wantrepreneurs and assess their strength and weaknesses, fields of interest and potential opportunities
  • Provide general information on entrepreneurship (legality and risks associated, time investment and realistic timeline journey to success, ethical business principles)
  • Guide individuals into fields and structures of opportunities (open doors to apprenticeship and tutoring)

House of ideas

  • A space to share and discover new projects and interact with other members
  • Committee Meetings and reports providing insights and opportunities in different markets
  • Interviews and success stories to motivate and showcase the importance of innovation and status quo disruption
  • Offers consultancy services for entrepreneurs and companies

House of Training

  • Provides educational content and classes covering a General Entrepreneur’s Toolkit and Skillset (GETS)
  • Notion of project management, branding and marketing, finance, economy and trades, time and resources management.
  • Masterclasses in content creation, web design, coding, AI prompt science, digital marketing, finance and tax optimisation, customer support, communication and pattern recognition
  • Curated Online Marketplace for tutorials and classes with evaluation and certification

Incubation Program

  • Provides a platform to kickstart projects and set a legal structure and framework
  • Accompanying individuals on their entrepreneurial journey
  • Provide collaboration opportunities
  • Offer advantageous rates for loans through partner financial institutions